Sweet baby Graham had his first birthday this past weekend. It was a simple party under a giant tree and next to a small, cool river. There were stripey tablecloths, a sparkler birthday candle, and lots of people we love lounging on picnic blankets. A very happy birthday, indeed.

This past year has had us busy rearranging our lives to make room for this little guy; late night feedings, soothing Sela's feelings of displacement, adding diapers to the budget, accepting my limits and setting boundaries for my sanity, and ultimately making more space for babyhood and childhood and parenthood to just be. Crazy, happy, messy, flawed, hilarious, and real.

For all of his shaking up and turning upside down, baby Graham has brought so much into our quiet lives. He came packed with all the joy and sweetness a chubby body could hold. Our lives are filled with music and dancing and singing(Graham + Beyonce = a real good time), and definitely more tickles and giggles and silly faces. We are experiencing everything for the first time, again; the feel of cool grass on the backs of our legs, the rushing, biting cold of a full spring river, the warmth of sand as we press our cheeks to the earth, and finally watching as our baby boy toddles and stomps and shuffles after his sprite of a sister.
He walks. He sings. He knows were his belly button is. What a beautiful, ordinary miracle he is.
just one short year ago:

Happy Birthday, little love.
i found the brilliant birthday rosette idea on aesthetic outburst, via Sara's perfect blog, Party Perfect!
Beautiful poem. What a sweet little boy!
I Missed you
Rachel your blog is such a delight to read. You are a great writer! I'm glad you got to spend his happy birthday party together.
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