
the obsession continues...

Sigh. I can't get enough of dark tangled curls. I think the time has come to suck it up and buy some hot rollers. And maybe actually start doing my hair. maybe.

Tom Ford eyewear 2010, spotted in my hefty september vogue. and just a word to the wise: DO NOT try to google "tom ford ad campaign." it's a pretty naked + confusing path to take, so just don't do it. yeeps.


Sherry said...

Your obsession reminds me of my favorite book: The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks. She has wild dark curls.
No pressure to read it, but if you do I'll let you know it's YA. Don't let that scare you. It's actually brilliant and E. Lockhart is an incredibly smart woman.
Also, as it takes place in a boarding school in New Hampshire fall is certainly a good time to read it.

Brianne said...

Maybe I'll curl my hair tomorrow ...

Rachel Swan said...

Sherry: I looked at the library for your book recommendation, but it was already checked out. put my name on the waiting list, so hopefully i'll get to read it soon :)

Brianne: Why do you always tempt me with your gorgeous hair? First it was braided crowns, now this?!? I've been giving my own hair little pep talks throughout the day, but it WILL NOT grow out past this yucky flipped out stage. i think it still resents all of the flat iron use of my youth. Curl your hair and I'll see you tomorrow, lady! xo